Thursday, 10 August 2017

In Print, August 2017 (and Progress)

For the first time since the beginning of the year, I don’t seem to have a release scheduled for the current month, but my last piece to hit the market was just one day short, so who am I to quibble?

Check out my Cthulhu Mythos piece With Strange Aeons in the Lammas edition of Lovecraftiana, which you can order right here. Very proud I got cover-billing, title and byline, just like in the old days!

I have picked up a sixth simultaneous short-listing, my SF piece With Scientific Detachment is currently short-listed with Aurealis. I should know something by the end of the month – it would be very cool to place a second story with Australia’s longest-running title!

Edits have been completed on Circus to Boulonge for Storyhack #1, and edits are currently underway on The Marachel Job for Andromeda Spaceways #67.

I was approached just today to do an interview with Uprising Review who recently published my “Middle Stars” short North of 25 – I’ll be making a start on that today.

I recently exceeded 550 submissions, have finished two older stories that have been hanging around a while, and wrote seven new pieces last month; I’m currently working up notes for a story that’s been at the back of my mind for twenty-three years, since the business with Jerry Pournelle’s Future Wars II anthology – but that’s a theme for a whole other post.

Cheers, Mike Adamson